As these lines are written, the entire world is affected by the Coronavirus, and in particular New York City is badly hit.
A hospital ship of the US Navy, USNS Comfort, arrived in New York City earlier this week. Photo: Jim Henderson
Earlier today António Guterres, the secretary general of the United Nations, said:
“Covid-19 is the greatest test that we have faced together since the formation of the United Nations,”
Physically, we need to stay apart as never before. This also means that we can’t go ahead with our planned Brooklyn conference in May and have decided to postpone the conference until May 2021.
Mentally, however, the situation brings us together in a joint effort to handle and control the contamination.
We did consider turning the conference into a virtual conference as others have recently done. With our emphasis on discussions, workshops, peer-to-peer learning and also the social aspect, we decided not to go down this route.
Conference participants can either get a complete refund or convert to a future conference or membership.
To keep the community going in a time that calls for reflection and learning more than ever, we’ll arrange member conference calls with the conference speakers. If you are not already a member, you can join and become a member.
As we have already done this year, we will continue to invest in writing and sharing on our blog. From just two of the planned Brooklyn speakers, you can already enjoy these posts:
David Hobbs on depth scales
Hilary Marsh on how does your CEO know that your content strategy is successful?
With more to come.
As I recently wrote in our Q1 community update, the time will come, where we can meet again and we really look forward to resuming our regular peer group meetings in Europe and North America.
We naturally also look forward to returning with our conference to Brooklyn on May 4 - 6, 2021.
In the meantime, do stay safe & healthy and try to be kind.
PS: The next planned Boye conference will be in Aarhus, Denmark on November 2 - 5. Hopefully we’ll be post-Corona by then.