Morten Elvang (DK)
Strategy execution expert
Previously European Business Agility Lead at Accenture, agile transformation at Nordea, and many years working with quality, test, process and agile at Nokia
Based in Copenhagen and a Boye Aarhus conference regular since 2016
Boye Aarhus 24 conference
Workshop: Strategy Unlocked (Tuesday)
Track leader: Digital leadership (Wednesday)
Roundtable: How big things gets done (Wednesday)
Session: Lead with strategy & How big things gets done (Thursday) - Download the slides
Higher Education Connect 24
Workshop: Strategy Unlocked
Slides: Download (PDF)
Boye Aarhus 23 conference
Workshop: Open Strategy workshop
Presentation: How to Thrive in a Turbulent and Demanding World: The Open and Emergent Approach to Strategy
Slides: Download (PDF)
From his talk on the digital leadership track at the Boye Aarhus 23 conference. Photo: Ib Sørensen
Morten is also a popular guest speaker in our peer groups. This one is from June 2023, when he visited our Copenhagen digital strategy group together with management researcher Iben Stjerne from the Technical University of Denmark for a joint talk on ‘open strategy’
Boye Aarhus 22 conference
PRESENTATION: The magic of collaborative portfolio management
TRACK: Project to Product
SLIDES: Download (PDF)
Morten giving his presentation with key portfolio questions at the Boye Aarhus 22 conference. Photo: Ib Sørensen
Boye Aarhus 16 conference
Presentation: #GameChangingBeliefs
Slides: Download (PDF)
One of the memorable slides from Morten’s session in Aarhus in 2016 - a black market for common sense
About Morten Elvang
Morten Elvang received his MSc and PhD in Computer Science from the Technical University of Denmark.
Morten believes that everyone deserves the freedom to perform and opportunity to contribute.
He has helped product and service development teams of all sizes to gain better results with less hassle.
Freedom to perform - The wrong kinds of freedom at work leads to stress. This one was our slide of the day on 24 August 2017 when Morten Elvang was a special guest star at our digital project manager peer group meeting in Copenhagen
Blog posts with Morten
What is going on at work? (October 2024)
Why open strategy matters (2023)