Lisa Mo Wagner (DE)
Lead Business Analyst at Thoughtworks
Organiser of Women In Product - Berlin
Based in Hamburg, Germany, but also worked in Toronto from 2017 - 2019 and has attended Boye group meetings in both Europe and North America
Boye Aarhus 24 conference
Track leader: Product Management
Boye Aarhus 22 conference
Track Leader: Product Management
Boye 21 Aarhus conference
Track: Product Management
Presentation: J.E.D.I. mind tricks to build better products
Lisa on stage in Godsbanen for the Boye Aarhus 21 conference
Boye 20 Aarhus conference
Track: Product Management
Presentation: Strategic Skills for Product Leaders
About Lisa Mo Wagner
Lisa is a Senior Product Manager with a strong focus on growth and strategy, she loves to solve problems by empowering teams and facilitating decisions.
Her diverse experience in cross-functional teams has taught Lisa how to communicate openly, conveying a clear purpose and context. This gets teams excited and together we build products that people love.